Saturday, December 4, 2010

Pajamas && Head Ties.....To Class???!?!?!

I think I have seen it all! My first year of college, the second week to be exact, I was taking a stroll to class when I couldn't help but notice a girl passing me with a whole pajama outfit on! not just a tank and the pants...or the shirt and some sweat pants....but the entire outfit! Plus bedroom shoes. But that's not even the issue! She was ALSO wearing a bright colored bandana that didn't even match....(if that mattered). She looked like she just rolled out of bed, slipped on her slippers....and slipped right out the door. What a bad way to present yourself. It appeared that she was far from a classy woman. There are two main reasons students, mostly females, do this. One, they're not feeling well at all and taking the time to put on appropriate clothes is a bit too much energy to waste. And number two He/she just may want to feel comfortable and having a day where he/she just don't Care. Oh yea, and three....they just don't care!?! People are watching you and in some cases, you never know when someone has interpreted their "first impression of you". In other words, you should always keep yourself looking presentable in public. An opportunity that is well-needed, may "pass you by"....and keep walking to the next. Being that she was female, I believe that this behavior crosses the proper etiquette line. Wear proper clothes to class...I also see people do this in public places.. This is NOT appropiate. Pajamas are bed time attire. Dress appropriately! I know these thing cross your mind while you prepare to go to your destinations!

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